M.W.A Aesthetics

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Needle Phobia & Aesthetic Anxiety

What is a needle phobia?

Needle phobia is a fear of medical procedures that involve needles or injections. At M.W.A Aesthetics a lot of our treatments are via injectables using needles. Needle phobia and needle anxiety is very common, affecting at least one in 10 people.

Are you 1 in 10 who suffers from Needle Phobia?

Any anxiety (or) a phobia of anything is nothing to be ashamed of. Fortunately, M.W.A Aesthetics are fully aware of anxiety extensively along with dramatic panic attacks. Sometimes a good chat is all what is necessary, reassuring the mind and the body, the situation is under control. Melissa herself overcome anxiety, everybody has to overcome anxiety at some point. 

Why you shouldn’t be afraid of aesthetic needle treatment 

Simple exercises and practices can help to overcome these dreadful situations where anxiety or worries takes over. Many patients with needle phobia may have had negative results from bad memories of needles earlier in life. If that is this case with yourself, it maybe time to enhance your life.

What are the signs and symptoms? For many people, fear of needles is linked to fainting or feeling faint. When the fear is triggered (for example by seeing blood, or thinking about an injection), heart rate and blood pressure increase (as with other kinds of fears), but then rapidly drop. It is this fall in blood pressure that can cause fainting.

Finally facing your fear.. Many people do not confront their fear because they are embarrassed. Other people do not feel faint or actually faint, but do feel panicky when their fear is triggered. Luckily M.W.A Treatments are totally stress-free. During treatment we will give you simple guidance ensuring your breathing for relaxation and comfort, all M.W.A treatments are pretty much pain free leaving you with an amazing result. 

Are you wanting to freshen your look up with lip dermal fillers but you are in fear of needles? 

You are not the only one. Many patients are often nervous for the first time. But the obstacle of fear can be on a different scale to some people. This post highlights how you can overcome the fear of needles and injectables with aesthetic enhancements.

Are you worried about what goes into your lip dermal fillers?

The fear of the unknown can prevent so many people from undergoing a procedure that will give them the look they want. A desirable look. The best way to feel comfortable about lip dermal filler injections is to learn the facts so that you know what to expect of the procedure. With the right information, you will realise that there is no reason to be nervous or scared. 

Common fears associated with lip injections:

I’m really worried about needles!? Why you shouldn’t be worried.. No one likes needles, but some people are definitely more comfortable with needles  than others. The good news is as long as you can handle seeing a needle you probably won’t feel much at all! If you would prefer to not see the needles then you are welcome to wear an eye mask or relax and close your eyes.

If I don’t have to see the needle will I feel the pain!?

The procedure begins by applying a numbing agent to your lips so you will not feel any pain. Once the area will be numb a tiny needle is used to inject the filler.  It’s all over in about 10/15 minutes.

After the filler has been injected, we will massage your lips in order to make sure that the filler is evenly dispersed and there aren’t any lumps or bumps. The feeling from a little massage may cause a strange sensation, but it doesn’t actually hurt. 

After-treatment how bad is the pain!?

You may experience some tenderness and bruising after the lip dermal filler  procedure. This is normal and temporary.  Ice packs and antihistamine can help swelling, we also apply some arnica cream after wards to help with bruising I do advise each patient to apply arnica cream a few days before your lip dermal filler treatment. Arnica cream can be applied by yourself for a few days afterwards too, this will help with bruising.

I don’t want to put chemicals into my body!? 

Why you shouldn’t be worried.. There are so many different brands of dermal fillers on the market now a days, it’s important the best products are in use. The Dermal fillers we use here at MWA aesthetics  are made up of hyaluronic acid, hyaluronic acid naturally occurs in our bodies, these fillers are very well-tolerated, and side effects are very very rare. Most fillers also contain lidocaine, a local pain reliever, which increases patient comfort during lip dermal filler treatment.

I’m worried my lips may not look natural? 

Why you shouldn’t be worried.. When a patient books in we first and foremost have a consultation before we do any procedures or apply any numbing cream. During consultation we require the information from yourself of what look you want and how full you want your lips, it’s all about your desire of how you want your lips to look afterwards – after all they are your lips. We do have a keen eye for beauty, we are passionate about improvements and experienced to offer advise of what we think may look natural and beautifully enhanced.

I’m not sure about the options to choose from? 

We then take a look at your lips and we talk you through every angle technique we can offer as M.W.A have done extra training so we’re advanced trained for all the different desirable techniques. We then talk you through what  filler we will use to suit your procedure. Once both party’s are happy we can turn proceed. 

What if I make the wrong volume or style choice?

Keep in mind that lip enhancement is achieved using hyaluronic acid fillers which are safe!  If you feel that your result is not what you were looking for, hyaluronic acid can be dissolved instantly using a corrective enzyme.

I’m worried I will be judged for having lip dermal fillers by my friends and family even my co workers? 

Why you shouldn’t be worried.. Instead of worrying about what other people might say, imagine how great you will look and feel. Whether you have always been self-conscious about your lips, or they have lost some volume over the years lip injections provide a quick and easy solution that will give your self-esteem a boost. And your confidence to another level 

Undergoing any procedure is bound to trigger some fears. a little fear is probably a good thing as it will motivate you to do some research and decide if lip dermal filler injections are the right choice for you.

I am worried I will have a panic attack? 

Why you shouldn’t be worried.. M.W.A are fully aware of panicking. When you have suffered with panicking yourself you can learn how to identify and avoid triggers of a panic attack. Many people may come with even a little bit of fear and start having a panic attack. Most likely we will be able to quickly control the panic, reassure our patient, get our patient feeling more comfortable and then even laughing after the procedure is done. The most common thing what gets said is ‘Omg a can’t believe I was so worried’, most often the patient is that in love with their new lips and conquering the first time fear at the same time.

Are you ready to enhance?

We decided to attach this wonderful NHS leaflet link because it explains more about needle phobia and provides good practical advice on how to deal with anxiety and potentially overcome it. You have to choose the right decisions for yourself. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your own anxiety and phobia, please try speaking out comfortably to us or a doctor or nurse caring for you before you consider aesthetic enhancements. 

Talk to M.W.A about ANY of your concerns at time of booking!



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