M.W.A Aesthetics

Lip Dermal Fillers

Lip Dermal Filler MWA Beauty Enhancement

Thank you for visiting MWA Aesthetics service page for lip dermal fillers. Within our West Yorkshire beauty enhancement clinic we offer a wide range of filler treatments. Dermal fillers work by boosting the skins supply of hyaluranic acid (basically a substance that naturally exists in your body) fillers revitalise and add volume to the skin by filling in the lines and wrinkles making your lips plump and full of volume.

The Benefits of our Lip Filler Treatment

1. Complete Control
We can adjust the amount of filler to control the level of volume added to your lips.

2. Safe Procedure
Your safety is the number one priority of Funky Divas. Our team is expertly trained and only use products that have an immaculate safety record.

3. Instant Results
You will see an enhancement to your lips as soon as the filler has been applied.

4. Natural Look
As this treatment is not permanent, your lips will age over time and therefore won’t always look the same. This helps to make the enhancement look as natural as possible.

Frequently Answered Lip Filler Questions

What is the duration of the treatment ?
After completing the consent form and discussing pre and post treatment procedures, fill application should take no longer than 30 minutes.

How will the filler be applied?
The filler will be injected into your lips, which can be numbed with a cream beforehand if you wish

How long will the results last?
The average length of results is 6-12 months, although some of our products may last 18 months. The filler is naturally absorbed over this period of time and the process can then be repeated to maintain the effect, if you so wish.

Are there any side effects?
The most common side effects are redness, tenderness, firmness, swelling, bumps, bruising, itching and discolouration to the treated area.
A member of our aesthetics team will ask you questions about medical history prior to the treatment, which helps determine whether you’re a suitable candidate for receiving fillers.

Why try lip fillers in the first place?

Fillers are known to be a highly attractive beauty enhancement. Quality tested products are quick and simple to enhance as there a non invasive procedure and you get instant results that can last 3 months up to 2 years. So book an appointment and get your plump on with MWA Aesthetics. 

Lip Augmentation

Injectable lip augmentation helps to reduce the signs of aging such as volume or shape loss, smoker’s lines, downturned lips and much more to restore your natural, youthful lips. Using only the best dermal lip fillers, we can help increase the size, shape and dimension of your lips to enhance the symmetry and balance of your appearance. Treatments take less than 30 minutes and you will expect immediate results. Lip injections are safe and suitable for both men and women over the age of 18.

Fillers, What to expect?

Dermal fillers are used for a number of treatments including increasing the volume and definition of the lips and cheeks, fill out wrinkles and creases in the skin, tighten up the jawline and chin area, smoothen and plump the skin or provide a straighter nose. Dermal fillers are not permanent and can last up to 18 months the filler breaks down over this time. Filler is a gel containing Hyaluronic acid which is similar to the Hyaluronic acid which naturally exists in our bodies. The fillers we use contain Lidocaine which is a numbing agent to help with any pain or process.

You will be required to complete a consent form containing your medical history and you will be need to advise us of any medications you are currently taking. This will also give you the opportunity to ask any additional questions before going ahead. Photographs may also be taken.

Depending on your treatments they can usually be performed relatively quickly with either little of no downtime.

A topical Anaesthetic cream is usually applied to ease discomfort

After carefully assessing and possibly marking the areas which are to be injected, a very fine needle is used to inject 


Dermal Filler Price
 *Limited Time Only*  Must book 1ml special Offer £70
0.5ml usually.. £90
1ml usually.. £140
Top Up 0.5ml usually.. £90
Dissolve £100
Nasal fold & Marionette lines £140


Essential aftercare

We will provide you will an aftercare sheet with the basic concerns after having dermal fillers, we also have an out of hours mobile number should you have any questions or concerns.

Here are some of the side effects that you may expect after having dermal fillers which are quite normal. These are temporary and should only last a few days.

• Bruising and swelling

• Red or tender skin skin from where the injections were administered

• Bleeding from the injected site

• Lumps and irregularities in the skin of lips

• Reactivation of cold sores from lip fillers



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